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A quick Sunday project makes the double roller more my style…

The double roller is now really “mine”.  Take a look:

The double roller, with a refinished handle

Compare this to how it used to look.  I love the double roller, and have had tons of fun with it in the very short time that I’ve had it, but its appearance bothered me.  I wasn’t particularly fond of the light color of the handle, and it also had a glop of green paint that had dried onto it.  Now it’s finished with a dark stain, which is more my style.

It also matches my big spoon:

My big spoon, hanging on the wall

I like having a certain aesthetic about my various implements and toys.  Even better is that the entire refinishing project for the double roller was completed in an afternoon, and most of that was sitting around waiting for various coats of stain and finish to dry.

And in the end, I now have a toy that I’m quite proud to call my own.

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